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2012-08-14 20:29:42 バージョン%

Kagerou Project

Kagerou Project (Tag name: カゲロウプロジェクト) is a tag name general concept name for musical composition composed by Jin (also known as Shizen no Teki P [自然の敵P] )

A story of wild boys and girls.

"I will never forget the day after"


Kagerou Project is a series of songs composed by Jin (Shizen no Teki P) with each songs depicting a standalone story. All the stories presented within each songs took place within a single universe.

The first song, Artificial Enemy was initially uploaded on Nico Nico Douga last year (2011), and later went popular, followed by a complete DVD album, Mekaku City Days. The album was released on May 2012.

All the stories are proven to be connected through Jin's written novel series, "Kagerou Days -in a daze" (カゲロウデイズ-in_a_daze-).

The novel soon received a manga adaption and is currently serializing in Monthly Comic GENE.


1st novel 'Kagerou Days : in a daze'

2nd novel 'Kagerou Days : a Headphone Actor'

List of Episodes

Episode 1: Artificial Enemy (人造エネミー / Jinzou Enemy)

A Look Away Story

The "I in the screen" describes a story about "you".


Episode 2: Blindfold Code (メカクシコード / Mekakushikodo)

An Eye Covered Story

Mekakushi-dan members running about the streets.


Episode 3: Heat-Haze Days (カゲロウデイズ / Kagerou Deizu)

A Dazzling Story

A boy and a girl repeatedly wanders around during August 14 and 15...

This song is the center of the series.


Episode 4: Headphone Actor (ヘッドフォンアクター / Headphone Actor)

A Doubtful Story

Guided by the voice from her headphones, a girl heads herself to the end of the world.


Episode 5: Imagination Forest※ (想像フォレスト / Souzou Forest)

An Eye Contact Story

A medusa girl who lives in the depths of the forest encounters a boy...


Episode 6: Konoha's World Situation (コノハの世界事情 / Konoha no sekai jijou)

A Wake Up Story

"I" who is created, experienced an incident of 2 people during the summer...

Episode 7 :Kisaragi Attention (如月アテンション / Kisaragi Attention)

An Eye Catching Story

A girl who abandons everything and steps out of the city

Although an idol, she seems to have trouble expressing her profession.

Episode ?: Transparent Answer (透明アンサー / Toumei Answer)

A Look Away Story

A boy who knows all the answer to everything.

"You", who seems happy all the time, sits besides the boy who lives afloat everyday.

Episode ?: A Traveller's Electric Journal of Energy (エネの電脳紀行 / Ene no dennou kikou)

A Wake Up Story

A story about "I" who is seen as a special case, separates both heart and body, starts on a electric desire journey.

Episode ?: Shinigami Record (シニガミレコード / Shinigami record)

A Story That Shows Kindness

A monster who is alone, and a young soldier who swears his life to a girl he loves.

A story about an endless world created by a monster who can't stand the thought of having "you dying of old age alone".

Episode ?: Dead and Seek (デッドアンドシーク / Dead and Seek)

A Wide Awake Story

A story about Kenjirou Tateyama, Ayano's dad and Momo's homeroom teacher.

Episode ?: Children Record (チルドレンレコード / Children record)

A Story of Punishment

''The night's getting dark for the "Children",

They're brightly-burning extra innings"

Episode ?: Ultramarine Rain (群青レイン / Gunjou Rain)

A Painless-to-Watch Story

A story about Shion, Mary's mother.

She want her daughter to live happily and Healthy in outside world

※Note:The above title is listed as Imagination Forest in Nico Nico Douga, and there is also Daydream Forest, which is the arranged version of Imagination Forest released for the album version.


Full name : 榎本 貴音(Enomoto Takane)

The main character in "Man-made Energy" and "[[A Traveller's Electric Journal of Energy]".

A Cyber-girl who lives within Shintaro's computer. She likes to bully Shintaro by Change his file name or deleting unsaved Data.

Voiced by Kana Asumi

Full name : 如月シンタロー (Kisaragi Shintaro)

The main character in "Toumei Answer" also A boy who owns Ene. Works as a Hikikomori for 2 years. after one year became Hikikomori, he meets Ene in Unknown email from Misterious Sender

Full name : 木戸 つぼみ(Kido Tsubomi)

A girl who leads Mekakushi-Dan. She seems to be holding an power to make herself Invisible.

Full name : 鹿野 修哉 (Kano Shuuya)

A Mekakushi-Dan group member number 3. Similar to Kido, seems to hold a mysterious power to Deceive someone eyes.

Full name : 雨宮 響也 (Amamiya Hibiya)

A boy who appeared in "Kagerou Days" get trapped in the loop, along with Hiyori who kept dying. He seems has the power that similiar to Mekakushidan members, from his eyes

at children record, he survive from the loop. which mean left hiyori dead.

Full name : 朝比奈 日和 (Asahina Hiyori)

A girl who appeared in "Kagerou Days" same with Hibiya, she kept seeing Hibiya dying in the loop

Full name : 小桜 茉莉 (Kozakura Mari)

The main character of "Imagination Forest" and "Daydream Forest" . A girl who is carries Medusa blood. She can freeze people for a while

Full name : Kousuke Seto

A Mekakushi-Dan member who is seen taking Mary to the outside world. His eye power is to steal information from other person via eyes.

Full name : 九ノ瀬 遥(Konose Haruka? Haru?)

The main character of "Konoha's World Situasion". A mysterious boy that living at Hiyori's sister house, tries to save Hibiya and Hiyori.

A Mekakushi-Dan member & a super famous idol appeared in "Kisaragi Attention". She hold a power to caught people Attention. She is also Shintaro's younger sister

Full name : 楯山 文乃(Tateyama Ayano)

A girl that appeared in "Transparent Answer" she is a Failing student.

Full name : 子桜 紫苑 (Kozakura Shion)

The main character of Gunjou rain, also Mary's mother and Azami's daughter. she is half-human and half-medusa.

The main character of Shinigami Record, she is a Medusa that fall in love with a human, that later commited a suicide. after that, Azami created a Never-ending world. Kagerou days is also her song.

The main character of Dead and Seek, he is Ayano's father and Momo's homeroom teacher. Provides both stern and kind guidance to Momo, who can’t come to school often due to idol activites.

Has lost his family in the past, but still continues to do his best in educating students.

Posesses the power of “making eyes clear.”


All the links will be redirected to the artists' Nico Nico Douga page

  1. 【初音ミク】人造エネミー【オリジナル曲】
  2. 【初音ミク】メカクシコード【オリジナル】
  3. 【初音ミク】カゲロウデイズ【オリジナルPV】
  4. 【IA】ヘッドフォンアクター【オリジナルPV】
  5. 【IA】想像フォレスト【オリジナルPV】
  6. 【初音ミク+IA】コノハの世界事情【オリジナルPV】
  7. 【IA】如月アテンション【オリジナルPV】

Crossfade Album

Official MV

  1. 【MV】じん「カゲロウデイズ」
  2. 【MV】じん「ヘッドフォンアクター」
  3. 【MV】じん「空想フォレスト」

Related Illustrations



Related Tags

Jin(Shizen no TekiP)

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Mekakucity Days

Kagerou Days -in a daze-

List of Kagerou Project Characters


Related Songs

Artificial Enemy (人造エネミー)

Blindfold Code (メカクシコード)

Heat-Haze Days (カゲロウデイズ)

Headphone Actor (ヘッドフォンアクター)

Imagination Forest (想像フォレスト)

Konoha's World Situation (コノハの世界事情)

Kisaragi Attention (如月アテンション)

Transparent Answer(透明アンサー)

A Traveller's Electric Journal of Energy (エネの電脳紀行)

Shinigami Record (シニガミレコード)

Dead and Seek (デッドアンドシーク)

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