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The Price of the Truth

"The Price of the Truth" is the title of the sixth chapter (A version) of the game "Blaze Union". It is the canon ending to the story.
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※Spoilers Below

Velleman tells Garlot that the nobles of the land have decided to raise the flag of revolution, and that they want Gram Blaze to be the center of the rebel army, with Garlot as the lead general.

Garlot worries as to whether he should accept the proposition, and Siskier listens to those worries.

In the middle of the night, Baldus leads the imperial army in an attack on the army barracks.

Led by Siskier, Gram Blaze is able to escape from the enemy encirclement, but when they reach the appointed rendezvous point, Siskier is nowhere to be found.

And searching for Siskier, what Garlot and the others come across is――

After facing many betrayals and great losses, Garlot obtains a single truth.

So that such tragedies will never occur again, he decides to regain his true self, and vows that he will change the world.

And supporting him at his side is neither Jenon nor Medoute, but Nessiah.

Shouldering pain and sadness, Gulcasa faces forward and runs to bring revolution to the empire.

And Medoute and Jenon, who hold suspicions, choose...

Includes 6 maps.

BF38Within These Changing Times
BF40Awaken, Blood of the Dragon
BF41Will Force Break the Shield?
BF42Clash of Two Dragons
BF43Blazing Emperor Gulcasa

Even though this is the canon route, the second half of the story is largely not told from the protagonist's perspective.

Because a certain level of ambiguity is maintained, the player is able to freely decide how to interpret Gulcasa's character and actions.

Those who want to see this story come to a happy ending, please proceed with Gulcasa's route in Yggdra Unison.

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Blaze Union

Chapter List

Chapter 1In the Name of Hope
Chapter 2Light Shines on the Decaying Empire
Chapter 3It Means Battle
Chapter 4What the Prophet's Eyes See
Chapter 5The Fallen Battle Flag
Chapter 6AThe Price of the Truth
Chapter 6BBlood and Tears
Chapter 6CLive in This World

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