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Jenon is a character appearing in the game "Blaze Union".
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Height178cm (5'10")
First Person PronounBoku (僕)
Primary CardItem Break
Theme"Whither the Wit"
CVShinji Kawada


Garlot and Siskier's childhood friend. Unlike the two of them, who were born and raised in the slums of Nether, Jenon was born to a wealthy family in the noble district of Nievel, where he received a privileged upbringing. But Jenon believes in the same ideals as his friends, and so he ran away from home to become the Blaze Vigilantes' adviser and protect the people of Nether.

Jenon has nearly-black blue hair and blue eyes. He's on the tall side and has a thinner build than Garlot. He wears a white coat over indigo shirt and pants.

Jenon tries to put on airs as a gentleman, but he's actually a womanizer who flirts with every cute girl he sees, so he's the recipient of more than a few cold stares from the women of Gram Blaze. To make matters worse, he's categorically incapable of reading the room.

Beneath his flippant exterior, Jenon is plagued by an inferiority complex. What with Siskier's vocal dislike of the wealthy, he attempts to keep his background a secret from his friends, and he shows occasional hints of having complicated feelings about his family.

Perhaps because he's so insecure about his place on the team, Jenon is extremely hostile to Nessiah, who joins the party halfway through the game as their new strategist, from before they even meet, and antagonizes him frequently.

Jenon often takes the role of straight man to Byff's funny man.

Based on the way Medoute gets Jenon's name wrong twice early into the game, his fans nickname him "Junon". He's occasionally called the "Actually Useful Fencer" because Item Break is more useful in this game than the previous one.


Jenon and Garlot refer to each other as their best friends, and Garlot is often spotted trying to bring Jenon back to reality when the latter goes overboard putting on airs or catcalling.

As Garlot is the polar opposite to Jenon in that he's oblivious to others' romantic overtures towards him but is wholeheartedly adored regardless of gender, Jenon can be seen burning with envy or sulking over Garlot's charisma. ("Why are all these girls I don’t know suddenly gathering around you?" etc.)

Both Garlot and Siskier are annoyed by Jenon's womanizing, and can usually be found groaning "There he goes again" whenever Jenon starts up.

Speaking of Siskier, Jenon has a number of scenes with her, and she's also the female friend he engages with most normally. However, due to their long friendship and Jenon's usual behavior, Siskier is the first one to roast him whenever Jenon says anything sexist.

Jenon actually has a crush on Siskier. But whenever he tries to impress her, Siskier either doesn't take the bait or becomes suspicious that he's trying to antagonize her; it doesn't help that Jenon is unaware that Siskier has a crush on Garlot.

Jenon has a difficult time being direct about his romantic feelings out of shyness, so Siskier doesn't realize that Jenon likes her.

While Jenon introduces himself to Medoute by hitting on her, she no-sells him every time, and so Jenon appears to give up on seducing her quickly. Because they're both smart and rational types, they're often spotted working together to fill the rest of the party in on relevant information; in the A route, he and Medoute work together as a pair.

Jenon absolutely hates Nessiah. He is openly derisive of Nessiah's ability to prophesy, and he butts in whenever Nessiah tries to go over strategy with the party; Jenon continually antagonizes Nessiah whenever possible.

At first Nessiah appears to try to be an adult about Jenon's behavior, but towards the end of the story he finally loses patience with Jenon and begins to argue back. Garlot steps in to mediate before his friends can get too heated.

Nessiah eventually comes to despise Jenon every bit as much as Jenon hates him, and in one route, Jenon eventually gets the itemized bill for all his acts of pettiness. Kids, let this be your object lesson that it's a bad idea to bait a champion long-distance grudge holder.

On maps set in the Nievel district, it's possible to visit Jenon's parents' house. There are a handful of Jenon-related events hidden here, so players who like Jenon should aim to see them.

In Combat

As a Fencer, Jenon wields a sword in battle.

His TEC maxes out quite early at level 15, and his ATK is also relatively high; his biggest weakness is his low LUK. He levels up at an average pace. His default final stats are 4/5/6/2, for a total of 17 stars.

Jenon nullifies electricity, and his own aggressive attacks are lightning-element. His special skill is Item Break, which temporarily weakens the enemy and breaks (or disables, in the remaster) their equipment.


Jenon is actually an extremely popular character amongst Sting staff, and in the Blaze Union artbook, a number of staff members list Jenon as their favorite character in the game.

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Blaze Union

Garlot Siskier Medoute

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There are spoilers for both the A and C routes below.

If you care about spoilers, stop reading here if you haven't cleared the game.


In the A route, Siskier going missing, Velleman taking her hostage to try to force Jenon to cut Garlot's head off, and Siskier killing herself to stop this from happening creates a rift between Garlot and Jenon. Especially because Velleman drove Siskier to her death in an attempt to kill Garlot, Jenon's attitude in the rest of the route raises the question of whether he blames Garlot for her suicide.

Jenon is somewhat distant from Garlot after Siskier's death, but after Garlot unseals his demon blood, Medoute approaches Jenon to open up about her past and ask him for help monitoring Gulcasa.

At first, Jenon doesn't seem particularly suspicious of Gulcasa, but when he approaches Gulcasa for their first real conversation in some time, Jenon notices that though Gulcasa previously used to worry openly, lean on his friends, and then find answers to his problems, Gulcasa no longer shows others when he feels unsure. Jenon comes to believe that this change in Gulcasa's behavior is due to the influence of Brongaa's blood.

Jenon continues to call Gulcasa "Garlot" and ignores Gulcasa's repeated pleas that Jenon call him by his true name, which seems to cause Gulcasa distress. Nessiah also becomes annoyed with Jenon for deadnaming Gulcasa, and chases Jenon off to shield Gulcasa from him.

At the very end of the route, Jenon leaves the party when Medoute betrays Gulcasa. After the battle, when Medoute rejects Gulcasa's plea that they start over, Jenon tries to shield her, lying that he was the one who put her up to betray Gulcasa and trying to guilt Gulcasa into sparing her by saying that it would make Siskier sad. As Gulcasa is reluctant to harm Jenon and Medoute, Nessiah offers to execute the two of them in Gulcasa's place, but Gulcasa stops Nessiah from doing so and has Jenon and Medoute thrown in jail, allowing them to escape unharmed.

After this, Jenon joins Medoute on her journey.

Medoute reaches the conclusion that Gulcasa still retains his humanity and has not changed as much as she feared, but Jenon believes that Gulcasa has become so different that Garlot may as well be dead, saying "It’s the same as how Siskier will never smile again." Jenon says he wants nothing more than to leave the empire and forget all about Gulcasa.

Towards the end of the C route, when Jenon and Siskier attempt to save Ordene from Thortie's attack, Jenon chooses to stay behind and buy Siskier and Ordene time by fighting off Thortie's soldiers... but during this battle, Jenon is pushed into the Ishnad river and drowns.

Afterwards, Nessiah finds Jenon's corpse washed up on the riverbed and turns Jenon into one of his zombie soldiers as revenge for all the work Jenon previously put into making his life miserable. This is why you shouldn't bully the vengeful...

Jenon is later discovered in this state by Garlot and Siskier and attacks them, but at the end of a bitter battle Jenon tries to fight back against Nessiah's control, and is eventually defeated and freed. But since Jenon is already dead, he can't be saved.

Jenon chooses to spend his last moments with Siskier, who is so distressed at the thought of him dying that she doesn't want to accept the truth. He initially tries to confess his feelings to her, but realizes at the last moment that Siskier loves Garlot, and chooses to stay quiet to avoid hurting her. Jenon dies peacefully in Siskier's lap, and is given a heartfelt sendoff by his teammates.

This is an event that's famed for making Jenon lovers scream from various feelings, and which is also held in high regard by fans of this route.

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