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Inzaghi is a character appearing in the games "Yggdra Union", "Yggdra Unison", and "Blaze Union".
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If you meant the Visual Kei band member, please see Megamasso.


Age18 → 21
Height169cm → About 173cm
First-Person PronounOre (俺) → Ore-sama (オレ様)
Primary CardBanshee's Cry

He has been portrayed by the voice actors Katsuya Fujiwara ("Yggdra Union") and Atsushi Abe ("Blaze Union").

※The left side are his character settings in "Blaze Union".


The leader of a band of mercenaries. Will stain his hands with anything for the sake of money.

In "Yggdra Union", he most often appears hired by the Imperial Army, but he once appears as a member of Ortega's mountain bandits.

In "Blaze Union", he moves on the orders of various employers, but he is most often hired by the rebel general Pandra or his fellow mercenary Cerica.

In "Yggdra Unison", he is a member of Ortega's bandits.

He is thought to love hats, and whenever he appears he wears a different hat or helmet.

A man from Lombardia. In the past he was a thief, but he became a mercenary out of the desire to live properly. However, his bad habit of fleeing the battlefield when things don't go his way or the situation looks dangerous is from the mindset that "my life is more valuable than money", a remnant of his thief days.

To borrow the phrasing of a certain website, he's the type of character where "it's not certain whether he's a bad guy or a guy you just can't hate". Even Gulcasa, who Inzaghi caused a lot of trouble for during the "Blaze Union" era, winds up hiring him three years later.

Although the cause there might just be that Gulcasa is too nice for his own good.

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Yggdra Union Yggdra Unison Blaze Union

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